Welcome to #PhysiqueWeek: Complete 6 workouts over the course of 7 days to be entered to win prizes, and generally be a badass 😉 On this page, you’ll get all the info you need to participate!
DATES: Monday August 19th to Sunday August 25th, 2019 (7 days total)
GOAL: Complete 6 workouts in 7 days
WORKOUTS: I am providing FOUR workouts (below), so you can pick and choose which ones you want to do, and yes, you will have to do some twice–that’s up to you, choose any! You’ll need a set of dumbbells to participate.
MINI-CHALLENGES: I’m also providing 3 “mini-challenges” in the workout document below. These are optional! And you can feel free to try your hand at any of them throughout the week. When you do, simply do your best and then share your time/weight/reps, etc., on Instagram and tag it #PhysiqueWeek #MiniChallenge so I can follow along. For each mini-challenge you complete, you will get an additional entry into the raffle for prizes. You’re only allowed to do each challenge one time for a total of 3 additional entries max.
- You must complete 6 workouts over 7 days
- In order for them to “count,” you have to share each of the 6 workouts on Instagram:
- Follow @jillfit on Instagram
- Post your workout (can be the actual workout or a sweaty selfie or quote or anything that relates to the workout, your choice!)
- Use the hashtags #PhysiqueWeek and then the corresponding workout day, for example #Day1 if this is your first workout of the challenge. You will hashtag posts all the way up to #Day6
- Tell me your time and/or the # of rounds you completed (more below), the goal being to beat your time/rounds next time, also tell me what weight(s) you used
- You can mix and match any of these workouts below. You don’t have to do them all, just do the ones you want! There’s no order you have to go in.
- Everyone who completes all 6 workouts in the challenge will get placed into a raffle for prizes, and I will also be awarding some of my favorite sharers, too!
- If you have any questions about how to share or how the challenge works, email me info@jillfit.com any time
- TIME CAP = Each of these workouts has a 20 min time cap, which means either you finish under 30 minutes or you STOP at 20 minutes. I don’t want you going over 20 minutes on any.
- AMRAP = As Many Rounds or Reps as Possible: In the time indicated
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute (set your times and do the specified reps within the minute)
- FT = For time: Meaning, do the workout as quickly—staying safe—as you can and record your time.
- RBT = Rest-based Training: Metabolic Effect’s training brainchild. This means you rest as much as you need to as often as you need to, even if it’s between reps or sets, listen to your body and keep the workout safe – there is no structured downtime given in these workouts, which means it’s up to you to take it when you need it!
>> ACCESS THE WORKOUTS RIGHT HERE << (right-click to download)
“Upper Body Bonanza”
“High Intensity Hype”
“Full-Body Chipper”
“Quad Squad”
This is an Instagram Challenge where I will be looking for your effort and interaction. This is how you and I will keep track of your 6 workouts over the 7-day challenge.
I want to see your challenge workouts! Your photo can be anything from showing your workout itself, to a sweaty selfie to a photo of your gym to your chalked up hands to an InstQuote with an insight you gleaned from the workout. I also want you to describe the workout, what you did (doesn’t have to be super detailed) and how you felt in the description.
If the workout is “for time,” meaning see how fast you can complete it, you will share your time! Optional of course, but it’s a fun way to gage our progress.
This will essentially act as an online training journal for you. THIS IS ALL ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY. We get to keep one another accountable. There’s something about committing to something publicly and in a bigger way that puts us on the hook! And I love putting myself on the hook — it’s one of my main motivational/productivity strategies.
So tell your friends and family you are doing this. Ask them to do it with you. Show up on Instagram every day excited to share your progress and your consistency. Be an example to those around you and who follow you.
You can see examples from last year’s #PhysiqueWeek Challenge HERE.
In the description of the photo, you need to hashtag both #PhysiqueWeek and #Day1 (or whatever day # you are currently on) so I can keep track of all your participation. You will go all the way to #Day6. So you are only counting workout days, not all 7 days of the challenge. Got it?
You cannot participate for the prizes without having an Instagram account. I am not going to be keeping track of workouts elsewhere. It’s free to set up an account and you can just create one for the challenge if you don’t want to do anything else. Be sure your account is set to Public and not Private/locked if you want me to see your workouts. I can’t see them otherwise! You can always make it private again after the challenge.
At any time, if you have questions about the challenge, you can EMAIL ME HERE!
Some examples from the last challenge:
Quick disclaimer:
These workouts are designed for educational and sharing purposes, and you follow them at your own risk. You are an adult, capable of listening to your body and knowing what it can and can’t handle. I have done my best to prepare you for a safe and e ective workout, but please speak with your physician before starting any tness program, especially if you are at a higher risk for illness and injury. Jill Coleman and Jill Coleman Fitness assume no risk for your voluntary participation in this program.