Welcome to Physique Sessions!
- Watch the short video BELOW so you register yourself correctly for the membership (#FastPhysique members have to do something a little different).
- Once you watch the video, click on the button below it to register (create your own unique username and password). Once you create your login details, feel free to click around and start familiarizing yourself with the 12-week “Strong + Lean” track we’ll be following.
- Go HERE and request to join our private Facebook community, where all the coaching and accountability will be happening for the duration of the 12-week coaching period. I’ll be accepting people into the group on Sunday September 1st!
If you need to get in touch with me at any time, please send me an email.
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Disclaimer: These workouts are designed for educational and sharing purposes, and you follow them at your own risk. You are an adult, capable of listening to your body and knowing what it can and can’t handle. I have done my best to prepare you for a safe and effective workout, but please speak with your physician before starting any fitness program, especially if you are at a higher risk for illness and injury. Jill Coleman and Jill Coleman Fitness assume no risk for your voluntary participation in this program.