A huge THANK YOU for being part of the #treadLIFT affiliate launch! I’ve put everything you need to know about the launch right here in one place!
You can always email me with any questions at info@jillfit.com.
Here are the details:
Dates: Tuesday April 4th at 6am EST/3am PST thru Friday April 7th at midnight PST (please don’t send people to the sales page before then, as I am still editing it!)
Your ClickBank affiliate url: http://XXX.jillfit.hop.clickbank.net – where you put your Clickbank affiliate username where it says XXX) – PLEASE try out your link because it’s a .net so please don’t put .com! This link will be live at 6am EST/3am PST Tuesday morning.
Product price: $47
Affiliate commission: 75%, with an up-sell into the 4-Week Food Obsession Boot Camp and another potential lower-priced bump
Product description: #FastPhysique: The 9-Week Total Body Change Blueprint
What’s included:
- Access to the #FastPhysique online membership portal for life (so they can start whenever)
- 28 Full-length workouts (all 40 minutes or less) including the most effective exercise modalities for physique change, like metabolic conditioning, heavier weight training and HIIT cardio primers
- Short video demonstrations for each of the 62 weight training movements so it’s easy to cue up your form
- 9-Week Programming Calendar for this 6-day-per-week high volume program, so there’s zero guesswork about what you should be doing when (includes prioritization of workouts if you can’t get in 6 days)
- Miscellaneous bonus materials (webinars, podcasts, videos, etc.) based on availability and what I think will be beneficial and supplemental to the education
Selling points:
- 9-week training program designed to change the shape of the body – muscle gain, fat loss in areas, eliciting a more “athletic” look, more definition, cuts, etc. Basically we are marketing it like, “look like you actually exercise for all that time you spend in the gym.”
- It’s hardcore (yes, this can be a selling point, ha! At 6 days a week, plenty of heavy weight training and intense cardio, people will want it! I would not water it down)
- 90% of the exercises can be done with barbell, dumbbells and a bench (the other 10% includes pulleys)
- Workouts are 40 minutes in length, so doable and consistency is possible
- Simplicity – no crazy complexes or weird equipment needs, or movements they’ve never heard of before, at most 6 exercises per day!
Suggested email schedule for launch: I would email every day Tuesday April 4th thru Friday April 7th. The more you email, the more sales you will make. Add value, tell stories, vouch for the program and help your audience trust JillFit more. This is a game of trust and when you’ve going to bat for someone else, your audience needs to know them, like them, and trust them TOO! Be super transparent and tell them how much you want them to get the program–it’s a service!
A word on bonuses: If you have one, I would suggest providing an exclusive bonus for all the people who buy through your link. Jade is giving away his workout archive and a complementary nutrition program, and I know some of the other gals are doing closed FB coaching groups to help people stay accountable to #FastPhysique.
On Saturday, please email me info@jillfit.com and I will provide you a CSV file with all the names and emails of the people who purchased via your link so you can get the bonuses to them.
I am not doing email swipe copy for this. I am of the mind that hearing from you, in your own voice and in a sincere way will covert sales the best. If I provided you with a guest interview, you are welcome to use the however you want (blog, email, both, whatever). And if you still want something else, let’s set it up for this week!
Bonus cash for the top affiliates: If early interest, buzz and CTAs into the wait list is any indication, this program is going to sell. So I hope everyone makes a ton of sales! Remember, marketing momentum builds over the week so efforts early in the week (and continuing through) pay off on Friday. Don’t let a slow day keep you from promoting. This is a marathon, and people need to be hit over the head with it a dozen times to be promoted to buy. So don’t be afraid to sell. You’re not turning people off when you are offering them a service they can use to get great results.
With all that said, I will be awarding cash to the top 3 affiliates.
I am still adding elements to the sales page, but I want to make sure you have some some stuff for your planning purposes now, like images, FAQs and whatnot:
You can use any/all of these however you want:
#FastPhysique Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What equipment do I need?
Ninety percent of the workouts can be completed with a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. The last 10% involved a pulley system. I recommend having access to a regular commercial gym to do this program. It’s not required, and you’ll still get results if you are training at home, but you might have to get creative with alternative exercises. You’ll also need access to something you can use to do interval cardio (treadmill, rower, or even outside for sprints).
How is #FastPhysique different than #treadLIFT?
If you have purchased and done #treadLIFT, that’s amazing! That program is great for fat loss, but it’s does not have the heavy lifting and volume components that #FastPhysique does. This program is designed to change the shape of the body—more lean curves, taking inches off in other places so that aesthetically, you look like someone who’s athletic. #FastPhysique is also 6 days a week versus #treadLIFT’s 3-4 days a week. And lastly, #FastPhysique workouts don’t require a treadmill, you can access any piece of cardio for the HIIT primers that you’d like.
What format do the workouts come in?
All of the workouts are delivered via easy print-and-go PDF with accompanying video tutorials for all lifting movements. The membership site is also mobile-friendly, so you’ll be able to pull the PDFs and videos at the gym in real time, too. The treadmill workouts include kph as well as mph.
Am I fit enough? This sounds intense!
You’re right, the program is challenging and was designed with intermediate to advanced exercisers in mind. The reason is not to exclude, so much as I want you have to have something to work toward. I expect 90% of people to not be able to do the workouts exactly as is, mostly adjusting cardio routines and # of training days. Not everyone has a full 6 days a week to train, so you will have to make it work for you and your schedule. In general, this programs is for regular exercisers who want to take things up a notch, or for those who are already training intensely, but want a more targeted and strategic approach to follow to get their physiques responding again.
Will I get sore with these workouts?
The short answer is yes, 95% of people will be sore the first week. That’s normal, and whether these are new movement patterns for you, or it’s an increase in volume of exercise, you will experience soreness. It’s not ideal, but it’s common. However—and here’s the important thing—the key is understanding it’s transient and then managing it as best you can so that you can continue to train. Making sure you are moving throughout the day, getting plenty of rest, eating appropriately for recovery and doing proper warm-ups. The good news is that it doesn’t last so if you can get through the first week, you will have an easier time recovering week to week, until you just don’t get sore anymore 😉
What if I can’t exercise 6 days a week?
Yes, this will be a common concern, and warranted. Consistency is key, and by making the workouts 40 minutes or less, hopefully that provides a lower barrier to entry. But bottom line, a lot of folks won’t be able to commit to 6 days a week, and that is fine. You need to make it wok for you and your unique schedule and priorities. BUT, I don’t want you going into all-or-nothing mode, because the reality is that if you can commit to at least 4 days a week of #FastPhysique, you will experience a substantial change in your physique. Six days is ideal, but all you can do is your best. And even if you don’t get in 6 days a week (in the portal, I share with you exactly which workouts to do, preferentially, for results), you’ll still get benefit.
How long will I have access to these workouts?
You have access to the #FastPhysique membership portal forever. You can begin whenever you want.
What if I am currently doing another program?
The programming for #FastPhysique is an intense 9 weeks of 6 days per week workouts. It is a standalone program that I recommend doing as is, without any additional exercise. All workouts are 40 minutes. For some people, that might feel too short, you can always add in a little leisure walking, but nothing intense. I don’t want you overtraining, and I want you rested up enough to get up the next day and train well again. Don’t make the mistake of doing too much. If you are currently doing another training program, I recommend completing it before starting #FastPhysique, so that you can do FP as written.
Is there any coaching that goes along with this?
There is not. This program is a DIY. It’s a practice in YOU learning your body, listening to it and implementing workouts that will challenge it to change. The fact that it’s DIY also means that I have tried my best to think of every single little thing that might come up for you while doing the program, and preemptively added it to the membership portal. If there are additional bonuses or content that needs clarification, I will be adding that to the portal. However, there is no ongoing coaching access to me, but the value of the program ($1000) is literally multiple times the price ($37).